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This year’s GayVNs boasted Alec Mapa and Nicole Byer as hosts - Shangela made an appearance to officially hand over the hosting duties - with the likes of King Princess and Alyssa Edwards as performers. But Monday night hosted the big kahuna of the circuit: the GayVNs, commonly referred to as the “Oscars of Gay Porn.” Pam was nominated for Best Director alongside Chi Chi LaRue for their work on NakedSword’s Scared Stiff 2. The announcement came the morning after Str8Up’s Kathy Griffin-hosted award show where mr. “The gay porn awards nominated more female directors than the Oscars,” porn performer Ty Mitchell tweeted after the Academy Awards released this year’s nominations. The juxtaposition of the shows can make for some interesting realizations.

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While those events have been going full steam ahead, so has the porn circuit for gay porn, with the Str8UpGayPorn Awards, Cybersocket Web Awards, and the GayVNs all having recently taken place - the Grabby’s, which are referred to as the “Golden Globes of Gay Porn,” happen in May in Chicago, taking place on the same weekend as International Mr. Yes, there were the SAG Awards this Sunday, and we’ve seen the Golden Globes come and go, but the glitzy names of Hollywood aren’t the only ones one the award show circuit at the moment.

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