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I was the expert on sex, as I had a bf and had gone down on him 1.5 times. 'My high school best friend, let's call her Hillary, approached me about masturbation. This story comes from Reddit user funny-chubby-awesome: All I can say is it must have been one hell of an orgasm to make me seize (more than the usual jerky cumming movements anyway). Very embarrassing to have to find out from them (since I lose a bit of memory of the event and am unconscious during it). So naturally my parents hear something and have to come in to me seizing on the bed dick out porn on the computer.

One night I was going at it in my bed and lo and behold I have a seizure. Reddit user pizz901 shared the horrific tale: Gym class was a new level of hell for me.' 2. I had blisters on my shaft for several days. I put the cucumber in the microwave for too long. I start humping, but instead of pleasure, I felt burning. I was super excited about my new cucumber fleshlight. One time, when I was about 12 or 13, I had the sweet idea of taking the seeds out of a cucumber, putting it in the microwave, and humping it. 'This story isn't quite as funny as some of yours, but. Nice: Here are 50 of the funniest euphemisms for masturbation

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